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The organizations listed on this page accept vehicle donations to support their work in our community. These groups are truly making a difference in the lives of our friends and neighbors in New Mexico. If you don't see your favorite charity, check back often as we are continuously adding new partners.

955 FM Public Radio

95.5 KHFM Classical Public Radio

The station provides classical music to New Mexican audiences on the air and online. KHFM promotes live music, the performing, and visual arts, and arts continuing education in New Mexico, as well as New Mexico arts and artists worldwide. KHFM is the oldest continually operating dedicated classical programming station is the nation--and the youngest public one!

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Albuquerque Adult Learning Center

Albuquerque Adult Learning Center provides Adult Basic Education and High School Equivalency preparation classes. Students in the program will have access to small class sizes with day & evening hours, one-on-one tutoring, an individualized learning plan, resume preparation, and job search assistance.

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Alta Mira

Alta Mira Specialized Family Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports individuals of all ages with intellectual or developmental risks, delays, or disabilities throughout their lifespan in Central New Mexico.

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Animal Protection New Mexico

Animal Protection New Mexico is a statewide nonprofit that protects animals by creating social change resulting in the humane treatment of all animals. We strive to make New Mexico a kinder, safer place for all beings as we eliminate cruelty to animals.

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Assistance Dogs of the West

Assistance Dogs of the West (ADW) builds successful working partnerships between clients and dogs that empower people and open doors to new opportunities.

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Beds4kidz is a New Mexico nonprofit organization focused on donating beds and linens to local families in need. Those that benefit include families who need hospital beds, those that are just coming out of homelessness, or those that just genuinely need help getting on their feet


Bernalillo County Fire Department Retirees Association

Bernalillo County Fire Department Retirees Association (BCFDRA) was formed in 2013 to protect and advise on issues concerning the interests, rights and welfare of firefighters who have honorably retired from the Bernalillo County Fire Department.

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Bethel Storehouse

Our Mission for Bethel Community Storehouse is to be a Christ-centered non-profit mission providing food, clothing and more for those in need in the Estancia Valley area of central New Mexico.

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Boys State - The American Legion of New Mexico

The organization's mission is to train youth to be the future leaders of America. Boys State is made up of young men from all across the state who have just completed their junior year of high school, going into their senior year. They are selected to attend Boys’ State by their designated schools based on their leadership and character.

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Casa Q

Casa Q provides safe living options and services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning youth, and allies who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Allies are those who typically do not identify as LGBTQ, but support and fight to end the injustices that occur to those who do.

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Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation serving central New Mexico and is a member of Catholic Charities USA, one of the largest non-profit human services networks in the United States. We are dedicated to finding solutions to some of the most pressing social challenges individuals, children, and families face, regardless of race, religion, country of origin, disabilities, gender, age, or sexual orientation. We serve individuals and families throughout Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia, and Santa Fe counties with a broad spectrum of services geared towards reducing poverty, improving personal opportunity, and encouraging opportunities for service. With about 85 staff members and over 200 volunteers, our agency has been working to create hope for those in need for over 70 years. Although grounded in Catholic Social Teachings and inspired by faith, Catholic Charities provides services to those in need regardless of faith


The Children's Hour - Kids Public Radio

The Children’s Hour Inc is a New Mexico based non profit organization which creates broadcast media that is educational, entertaining and engaging, and also includes kids who participate in its creation. We produce and distribute of high quality children’s media, that’s cultivated through community involvement and immersion. Our award winning kids public radio program, The Children’s Hour can be heard on public radio stations across the United States and Canada.

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CLN Kids

Serving New Mexico families for almost 30 years, CLN Kids understands the need for quality early childhood education, support services, and housing. Working with generous donors like you, CLNkids helps provide our most vulnerable homeless families the opportunity to grow, thrive, and advocate for social change necessary to break the cycle of homelessness.

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Cottonwood Cats Sanctuary 

Cottonwood Cats Sanctuary's intention is to create a comfortable and safe, permanent or temporary, refuge for beloved felines. Our mission is to: Provide a permanent home for cats who have outlived their human caretakers/owners; Provide a permanent home for geriatric cats (10 years and older) who have failed to be adopted at other local shelters; Provide a temporary safe haven for cats owned by domestic violence victims in crisis; Provide a temporary refuge for cats whose humans are military personnel deployed overseas or on extended temporary duty (TDY).

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Crossroads for Women

The mission of Crossroads for Women is to provide comprehensive, integrated services to empower women emerging from incarceration to achieve safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives in the community, for themselves and their children.

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Domestic Violence Resource Center

Empower victims and engage the community to break the cycle of domestic violence. All of our service are safe, confidential, culturally-sensitive and free. DVRC provides victim advocacy, case management, and counseling service to adult and child victims of domestic violence. Helping out clients become economically empowered, self-sufficient and begin living violence free lives. We work individually with clients in order to connect and provide wrap-around community and social services.

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The East Mountain High School Foundation

The East Mountain High School Foundation, partners with East Mountain High School and the community to create exceptional public educational opportunities. Our donors and volunteers contribute resources that enable the school to achieve its mission of preparing each student to succeed in college and beyond.

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Family Caregiver Center of New Mexico 

Family Caregiver Center of New Mexico supports the well-being of family caregivers through resources, education, and social connection. We provide services to those caring for adults 18 years and older. Visit our website to learn more. 

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Family Promise of Albuquerque

Family Promise of Albuquerque is a local affiliate of a national organization. Nationally, Family Promise has been providing shelter for families experiencing homelessness for over 25 years and has 182 affiliates. Family Promise of Albuquerque has been here for 11 years and has provided shelter for over 400 families. Family Promise of Albuquerque has about a 70 percent success rate of helping families find housing within 90 days of entering our shelter program — Interfaith Hospitality Network.

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Food is Free Albuquerque

At FIFABQ, we believe that everyone has a place at our table. Whether we are sharing food or ideas, all are welcome at our hearth. We understand the deep connection humans have with their food and we strive to reconnect human beings with the abundance which surrounds us all. We see an abundance not only in food but community action and compassion. Our commitment to our community is finding solutions that empower the people, not only in our community but in the world.

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First Congregational United Church of Christ

A progressive, inclusive with a long history of social justice action, and outreach in the community.

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Gerard's House for Grieving Children

The organization provides grief and loss support for families who have experienced the death of someone important in their lives. Gerard's House is a safe, caring place for all grieving children ages 3-20, family and the immigrant communities

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Heading Home

Heading Home is a New Mexico non-profit that provides shelter and housing services to people experiencing homelessness. We envision experiences of homelessness as rare, short-lived and non-recurring.

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Horizons Albuquerque

Horizons Albuquerque advances equitable learning opportunities for students in rising 1st - 12th grade. We partner with families, communities, and schools to provide a tuition-free summer academic and enrichment program and wrap-around and supportive services for students and families throughout the year. In small classes led by professional teachers, students dive into a rich curriculum focusing on literacy, STEAM, Social Emotional Learning, enrichment, swimming, and other confidence-boosting activities, breaking down barriers to success and exposing students to new opportunities. 

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IncredAble Adaptive MMA

Our vision is to empower and provide youths and teens, who experience a variety of environmental, physical and cognitive challenges, the skills and benefits of Mixed Martial Arts.

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Keres Children’s Learning Center

The Keres Children’s Learning Center (KCLC) is a not-for-profit educational organization that supports Cochiti Pueblo children and families in maintaining, strengthening, and revitalizing their heritage language of Keres. We are a Montessori school that uses the Cochiti Keres language for daily instruction across all areas of learning, beginning with children ages 3-6 years old. We are located on the Pueblo de Cochiti reservation in New Mexico.

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KSFR Santa Fe Public Radio

KSFR broadcasts programs that reflect the independent, thoughtful perspectives of the community, as well as those of other critical thinkers around the world. You'll hear opinions that from all sides of an issue. The station also pays special attention to local New Mexico musicians whose talent often find an appreciative audience among KSFR listeners.

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Loving Thunder Therapeutic Riding

We are proud to say that we are the ONLY PATH, Intl PREMIER ACCREDITED CENTER in New Mexico. PATH, Intl (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship) is a worldwide organization dedicated to establishing centers with the highest quality of standards in the industry. As an all-volunteer organization, we depend on your participation either by contribution or by volunteering to help. Our goal is to help all individuals who want to learn to ride a horse be successful, no matter what their challenges in life might be. We serve both the veteran population as well as the developmental, physically, or mentally challenged individuals of our community. Riding instruction is performed by certified PATH, Intl. instructors who create customized lessons structured for the individual, offering whatever supports are needed to ensure the riders are successful. While they are learning to ride, they are reducing the effects of PTSD, increasing mobility, gaining independence and self-confidence, and improving their overall health all through the magic of a horse.

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Mandy's Farm

Mandy’s Farm is a nonprofit organization that assists individuals with Developmental Disabilities to achieve goals by structuring a positive, purposeful and caring environment for living, learning, and working in the community.

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Manzano High School Royal Guard Band

Manzano High School Band Boosters support the activities of the Manzano High School Royal Guard Band year-round. The MHS music program also includes Color Guard, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Jazz Bands and a percussion class.  Dedicated parents and volunteers work hundreds of hours during marching season and concert season to transport equipment, chaperone, maintain uniforms, plan events, and raise funds.

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New Day

Founded in 1976, New Day has become central to Albuquerque’s approach to supporting youth experiencing homelessness and marginalization. ​Our mission is to authentically connect these young people to safety, the community and themselves. Our vision is a world where all young people’s unique identities and talents complete and strengthen the social fabric of our community.

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New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation

The New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation's programs and resources provide help and hope to adult patients and their families to help them through a difficult time. They try to help families focus less on financial stress and more on health and recovery.

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New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Abuse Programs

NMCSAP leads the state’s efforts to reduce sexual abuse and sexual violence by providing training and technical assistance to service providers, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, medical practitioners, and mental health professionals.

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New Mexico Kids Matter

New Mexico Kids Matter is part of a complex system created to protect our children. When the state steps in to protect a child’s safety because the people responsible for protecting them have not, a judge appoints a trained volunteer to make independent and informed recommendations to the court. That volunteer is a CASA-Court Appointed Advocate. New Mexico Kids Matter is the only volunteer advocacy group working in the court system that provides a caring, consistent adult focused on the well-being of a single child in foster care.

New Mexico Veterans Integration Centers

New Mexico Veterans Integration Centers

You can help the New Mexico Veterans Integration Centers reach its goals of enabling Veterans and their families to achieve stable housing, financial security, and a renewed sense of community.

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Next Step Ministries

Next Step Ministries exists to provide an environment and orderliness that can be used by God to sanctify Christian men leading to a stable, productive, and God-glorifying life.

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Not Forgotten Outreach

Not Forgotten Outreach is dedicated to motivating military Veterans and Gold Star families of fallen Warriors to participate in recreational and/or therapeutic activities in order to facilitate the healing process.

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Paws and Stripes

Paws and Stripes is a nonprofit organization providing service dogs for wounded military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury through integrating service dog training and education.

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Paws to People 

Paws to People believes that by helping each other, dogs and humans can guide research that will unlock the secrets to the 400 diseases both share. They want to defeat catastrophic diseases like dementia, epilepsy, cancer, and diabetes. Translational/Comparative studies research (and its connection to both people and pets) is critical if we dare to dream of a world where these catastrophic diseases no longer have the power to cut short the lives of our children, our parents, and our pets. Your help is needed.

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Pegasus Legal Services for Children

Pegasus Legal Services for Children's mission is to provide comprehensive, high-quality legal services to the most vulnerable children and youth in New Mexico. Most of the clients that are served have suffered extreme hardships such as abuse and neglect. 

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Phi Kappa Theta Foundation

It is the mission of the Phi Kappa Theta National Foundation to enhance the quality of the educational, spiritual, and fraternal programs of the National Fraternity and its local chapters, by providing funding for those programs, and offering guidance as to their implementation.

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Placitas Community Library

The Placitas Community Library is a grassroots effort to establish a permanent library in Placitas. We engage the community by bringing residents together to participate in establishing and maintaining the library and its collections. We believe that our library contributes positively to the development of community pride and spirit.

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Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc.

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains – which includes Colorado, New Mexico, Southern Nevada, and Wyoming – has been empowering individuals to make responsible choices for over 100 years. Since 1916, we have been committed to delivering the highest quality reproductive and sexual health care; teaching medically accurate, age-appropriate sexuality education; and working diligently to protect the right to access safe, legal abortion.



With three decades of entertaining and inspiring audiences in the Albuquerque area, Quintessence, Choral Artists of the Southwest continues to provide audiences with opportunities to hear a wide array of traditional and eclectic choral music delivered throughout the year with professionalism and a dose of quirkiness.

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Read West

ReadWest, Inc. is a non-profit literacy agency providing one-to-one tutoring by trained volunteers. ReadWest is an Accredited Affiliate of ProLiteracy. Sixteen standards of quality are continually achieved to maintain ProLiteracy accreditation. Since its inception, ReadWest has provided over 4,000 adults with literacy services and is expanding to meet the growing needs of our community. ReadWest has served Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties for 34 years.

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Sanctuary at ABQ

The Sanctuary at ABQ is an organization dedicated to organic farming, urban-repurposing, and green technologies. We meet the needs of our communities, by developing social enterprises that create sustainable access to organic foods and affordable housing, specifically for veterans and seniors.

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Siberian Husky Rescue of New Mexico

Siberian Husky Rescue of New Mexico is an all-volunteer, rescue organization devoted to rescuing, rehabilitating, and finding new, permanent, loving homes for Siberian huskies, and often, husky mixes that have ended up neglected, abused, or unwanted.

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The Sparrow Rescue

We are the largest sparrow-focused rescue organization in North America.

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Silver Horizons New Mexico

Silver Horizons' "Safe and Surviving at Home" program is entirely focused on helping the lowest-income seniors meet their basic needs, have access to nutrition, and maintain a decent standard of living. Silver Horizons provides critical help to: Seniors in danger of having utilities shut off; Seniors who otherwise would have to leave their homes because of changing health needs; Seniors who simply do not have enough food to eat.

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Since 1954, we have been a source of hope for our neighbors in crisis: the addicted, homeless, hungry, and abused. We provide food, shelter, clothing, counseling, residential programs, and other resources that offer men and women the opportunity to transform their lives.

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Street Cat Hub

Street Cat Hub was founded with a mission to serve the city of Albuquerque and surrounding areas with the spay and neuter of free-roaming feral and community cats. Street Cat Hub is contracted with the City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County to provide trapping, spay/neuter, and release/return to field services to any free-roaming cat in these areas and provides these services to out-of-area cats as often as funding allows. 

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Talking Talons Youth Leadership

Talking Talons Youth Leadership (TTYL), established in 1988, is a non-profit, wildlife and environmental education and youth development organization. Our programs develop skills in leadership, communication, listening, public speaking, team building, peer-to-peer education, mentorship and job skills.

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Taos Center for the Arts

The Taos Center for the Arts draws on its history as a dynamic leader for arts collaboration and partnership. Originally established by a group of working artists in 1953 and situated in the heart of Taos, the TCA serves and engages Northern New Mexico communities. With a 275-seat theater and two galleries, the TCA curates culturally relevant films, art exhibitions, and live performances as well as provides local, regional and internationally renowned artists, thinkers and performers the space to inspire creativity and foster a thriving love for the arts.

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Tootsie's Vision

Tootsie's Vision is dedicated to helping blind dogs find safe and happy homes, obtain needed medical care and enjoy stimulating surroundings. With the support of members, community organizations, grantor programs and business partners, we hope to build Tootsie's Vision into a positive force, strongly advocating for blind dogs in the Southwest and throughout the country.

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Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico

Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico (TGRCNM) is only agency in NM that exists solely to serve transgender people, their families and loved ones. Through a mixture of services and advocacy we are working to improve the lives of our community members.

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Truckers Final Mile

Our mission to reunite North American truck drivers and their family in times of crisis.

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Under His Construction

This organization's mission is to provide housing, education, and career development opportunities to the underserved. They work with those afflicted with addiction and whom society deems to be lost causes by offering a second chance to at-risk men and women who would otherwise be lost to drugs, institutions or death with the end goal of a successful reintegration back to society

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The Wheels Museum

The Wheels Museum is a 501(c)3 organization in the Albuquerque Rail Yards dedicated to collecting, preserving and creating educational exhibits about the history of transportation in Albuquerque and New Mexico with emphasis on the impact on the development of the area. Our collections embrace the history of the railroads, the impact of the rail yards on Albuquerque, as well as automobiles, horse and wagon, and other modes of transportation.

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Wildlife West Nature Park

This 122-acre park provides a glimpse into the wild side of New Mexico for locals and visitors alike, but it’s so much more than an interactive zoo. The park is where animals who have been in accidents or rescued from an inhumane environment, find their "forever homes" when they are no longer able to live independently in the wild.

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Wings For LIFE International

Wings For LIFE International brings families of prisoners and volunteers together by building relationships that transform the lives of families, volunteers, and communities. The organization conducts joyous celebrations that break down barriers. All participants in Wings, whether they are inmates, family members, or volunteers, enjoy the interaction of caring people working together to work towards breaking the incarceration cycle.

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